Hospital CIMA is pleased to offer Covid-19 tests for airline passengers as required by many governments around the world, including the United States. We offer the PCR test which is required for travel to Canada and parts of Europe and South America and is one of the two testing options required for air travel to the United States.
Testing is Simple and Convenient
Covid-19 testing is available at the hospital 24 hours a day, seven days a week on a walk-up basis. No appointment is currently required. We recommend coming for testing two calendar days ahead of your flight, especially if you have an early morning flight.
During normal lobby hours, 7:30 to 20:00 daily, you can come to the main entry. Our security greeter will direct you to the Laboratory Department for your test. Outside of lobby hours, you can come to the Lab via the Emergency Department entrance.
Getting Your Results
Results of your test will be reported to you by email, in most cases approximately 24 hours after your test is completed, which is well within the 72 hours before your flight required by most governments and airlines. Please understand that the number of people who come for testing on a particular day may impact the speed at which results are delivered.
If You’ve Had Covid-19
There is a separate procedure for airline passengers to the United States who have tested positive for Covid-19. Please let us know that you have tested positive, bring a copy of your test result and the suspension of the isolation order issued by the Ministry of Health, one of our physicians will consult with you to determine whether you can travel safely, for yourself and your fellow travelers.
Medical evaluations for the travel certification are available through the hospital’s Life Cycle Center, near the main lobby, Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 12:00.
The cost for PCR testing is $85 USD, plus tax.
The cost for the medical travel certification and evaluation is $60 USD + IVA.
If you pay by credit card, you can receive a refund of the tax amount from your card issuer.
Hospital CIMA offers programs that may also provide a discount from the standard testing price, including CIMA Access. Please ask us for more information.
Important Note:
The Ministry of Health approved the use of antigen (rapid) tests on January 19. Labs across Costa Rica are working to obtain the necessary supplies and equipment to provide those tests. As soon as it is available, we will update this information.