Hospital CIMA San Jose Becomes the First Private Medical Center with Integrated Operating Rooms for 3D and 4K Laparoscopic Technology in Central America.

Given the advances in research and technology corresponding to the field of health, in conjunction with the continual search for excellence and innovation on the part of Hospital CIMA San Jose to remain the best Hospital in the Region, CIMA has managed to integrate both science and the organization’s mission to adopt new technology in all of the Hospital’s operating rooms to provide doctors and patients with the potential for more less-invasive and successful procedures coupled with safe, efficient and more agile recoveries.

As a result of this purchase, CIMA is now the first private medical center in Costa Rica with capacity in laparoscopic procedures using 3D and 4K technology, as well as the integrated Paramon system, converting these rooms into multi-specialty operating rooms (urology, gynecology, otolaryngology, general surgery, orthopedics, among others), thus providing the best tools available anywhere in the world for surgeons and allowing the Hospital to schedule more than one procedure at a time within the same specialty.

Each of the available technologies is detailed below.


This technology allows doctors to view the image projected on the monitor in three dimensions; that is, it makes it possible to calculate the depth, which simulates as if it were the human eye, which is not possible on a two-dimensional plane.

Procedures that can be performed include: gastric bypass, colectomies, prostatectomies, laparoscopic urology, among others.

3D technology, provides:

  • Reduced surgical time, compared to 2D technology.
  • Greater accuracy, for the surgeon.
  • Lower learning curve for the surgeon.


The 4K unit is a two-dimensional device that has the function of projecting images in ultra-high definition, thus generating greater sharpness when the doctor performs the surgery.

The safety this technology provides when operating, and the sharpness to define the structures are increasingly more necessary, for example in laparoscopic surgeries (standard procedures) and rigid otolaryngology, thus giving a magnified visualization, which allows the surgeon more accurate procedures and avoid post-surgical complications. 


Among the main benefits of the Paramon technology are found: Control of the operating room (surgery lamps and monitors) from a touch screen for greater ease of personnel.

The system is also distinguished by its ability to share live signal procedures if required, as well as allow for the storage of video material of all that is digitally captured during procedures to help support doctors or patients.

Finally, this system is superior in digital patient worklist management.